Affinity Community Development, Inc. Announces Free Mental Health Counseling Services For First Responders (Press Release)

A Focus On Community Wraparound Services

Silver Spring, MD— Wednesday, April 8, 2020 — On Thursday, April 2, Affinity Community Development, Inc. announced immediate availability of free mental health counseling services for those directly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This offer of support will encourage first responders, fire fighters, EMT’s, police officers, veterans, doctors, and hospital staff, including civilian staff members of these organizations to receive mental health counseling. Furloughed workers, those laid off and individuals from underserved communities are also able to receive this assistance to navigate this traumatic and uncertain time through this free service.
“I think it’s important for essential workers and first responders to have access to mental health assistance, to help them develop coping skills and respond in the right way to what they face when dealing with COVID-19 patients. This includes your day-to- day workers at grocery stores and restaurants on the front lines, that may also need support,” said Chanel Hicks, Resident Therapist with Fairfax County Government and volunteer for Affinity Community Development, Inc..

Fire fighter, Adam Turner IV of DC Fire & EMS Engine Company #26, a volunteer for Affinity’s S.T.E.A.M. program, agrees with Chanel Hicks and emphasized “The amount of first responders that have been diagnosed with COVID-19. The stress

and the surge in 911 calls due to COVID-19 plays a role in the day-to-day stress, but also the families of the first responders experience anxiety for their loved ones.”

In keeping with the national social distancing regulations, the Washington D.C. clinic, Life Enhancement Services and Healthy Lives Maryland of Baltimore City, will be providing the mental health counseling services via video and conference call.
Additionally, these sessions will include coverage for co-pays paid for by Affinity Community Development. Since the launch of this service a week ago, community members have been taking advantage of the free service. These counseling services for first responders and others directly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, are the first steps in improving the mental health of our community. For more information on how to access the mental health counseling services email or contact 202-681-2622.

Expanded Services for the Community

Affinity Community Development, Inc. is a Maryland based non-profit company that focuses on community wraparound services, affordable housing and land development.
We have been in the community feeding the homeless and initiated a S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, & Math) program at Discovery Lane Preschool in Waldorf, MD. We launched the first phase S.T.E.A.M. program at Discovery Lane Preschool with actor/comedian Felonious Munk from ABC’s acclaimed show, For Life.
Unfortunately, due to the current circumstance and restrictions presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, the upcoming S.T.E.A.M. programs and initiatives for several

other schools are on hold. For the summer, we are offering two programs to children of low-income families, a 4-week summer program for girls ages 6 – 14 to participate in ballet and gymnastics and piano and singing lessons taught by Tim Bias of Great Wayne Productions. (Times and dates are subject to the COVID-19 social distancing


For more information, press only:

Mateen Abdullah (206) 251-2861

For more information on Affinity Community Development: